Friday, 4 December 2020

Azure updates #6 : Microsoft Azure is Multiple Cloud

Microsoft Azure is Multiple Cloud
It consists of four different Microsoft Azure Cloud- Public, US Gov, China and Germany
To get a listing of all the different clouds under the Microsoft Azure umbrella, you can run the following Azure CLI command:
az cloud list --output table
The command will output the names Microsoft gives to all of the Microsoft Azure clouds.
IsActive Name Profile
---------- ----------------- ---------
True AzureCloud latest
False AzureChinaCloud latest
False AzureUSGovernment latest
False AzureGermanCloud latest
  1. Public Azure Cloud - We all aware about this - 60+ Regions as of today.
  2. Azure US government Cloud - Consists of 8 Azure Regions
  3. Azure German Cloud - The Azure German Cloud is a sovereign cloud that consists of 2 Azure Regions that are located in German
  4. Azure China Cloud - The China Azure Cloud is a sovereign cloud that consists of 4 Azure Regions that are located in China