Thursday, 14 December 2017

Flink Streaming Versus Spark Streaming

This blog will clear your doubt to some extent over Spark Streaming and Flink Streaming 

In Spark stream, we use batch interval for nearly realtime microbatch processing
Spark needs to schedule a new job for each micro batch it processes. And this scheduling overhead in quite high, such that Spark cannot handle very low batch intervals like 100ms or 50ms efficiently and thus throughput goes down for those small batches.

Flink is  true streaming systems, thus deploy the job only once at startup (and the job runs continuously until explicitly shut down by the user) and thus they can handle each individual input record without overhead and very low latency.

Furthermore for Flink, JVM main memory is not a limitation because Flink can use off-head memory as well as write to disk if main memory is too small.

Spark latest version support project Tungsten, can also use off-heap memory, but they can spill to disk to some extent -- and is limited to JVM memory.

Please share your views in comment section . 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Visualization tools - Dashbuilder

Dashbuilder is a Java-based dashboard tool .

 Why Dashbuilder ? It supports a variety of different visualization tools and libraries out of the box.

 It can be used to create either static or real-time dashboards with data coming from a variety of sources.

It allows non-technical users to visually create business dashboards.

Dashboard data can be extracted from heterogeneous sources of information such as JDBC databases or regular text files.

Who owns Dashbuilder ?

Its a Open source free software , now with Apache 2

Code it at GitHub .

How to get/download Dashbuilder ?

Easy steps are below :

1. First check whether Java installs on your machine ,if not please install 
and check java -version

3. Unzip the 

you will see below content in that folder

Open the command window and submit for Linux and start-demo.bat for Windows users .

Linux :
$ cd /dashbuilder-demo
$ ./ 

Windows :
C:\ cd dashbuilder-demo


4. Go to your internet browser and type localhost:8080/dashbuilder

You will see below login page will appears :

 Username : root
Password : root 

After successful login you will see first page of this tool . 

5. Now you can view already saved dashboard from csv files/or text file .

Explore it now!!

Please try and share your views on this Virtualization Tools . In coming days , we will come with many Virtualization tools . \

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Introduction to the AWS dashboard and services

Welcome to AWS tutorial .

Please go from our first AWS blog (

We have tried to make this blog in such a way it will cover theory as well as practical part .

Lets start from Scratch  :

Use  to create 12 months free AWS account

1. Please find the below screenshot which is the first page of AWS after logging .

2. About AWS Geographic Region :

1. A Region is a physical location in the world where it has multiple Availability Zones i.e. Regions consists of multiple availability zones (atleast two) 

2.  There are 16 geographic Regions around the world . AWS is planning to add 6 more Regions(Bahrain, China, France, Hong Kong, Sweden, and a second AWS GovCloud Region in the US) in coming year i.e. 2018

Selection of Geographic Region depends on where your customer sits Example : Suppose Reliance needs AWS infra for India then we have option to choose Mumbai Region . 

On first page itself we can see Geographic Region i.e Mumbai 

 Availability zones are nothing but the one or more discrete data centers , each with redundant power, networking and connectivity, housed in separate facilities. 

These Availability Zones offer you the ability to operate production applications and databases which are more highly available, fault tolerant and scalable than would be possible from a single data center.

There are 44 Availability zones . 

Below screenshot provide you an idea about availability zones in Regions .

In the above image we can see Region names and availability zones count in bracket . 

Region : Mumbai (2) where 2 means there are two availability zones (AZ) in Mumbai Region. 
Region  :  N.California (3) where 3 means there are three availability zones (AZ) in N.California Region . 

Next blog on EC2 instance - i.e . How we can compute on AWS Cloud . -  3 December 2017

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Interview ready :Why it requires to configure Driver memory in Spark.

5) Why it requires to configure Driver memory in Spark. 

The --driver-memory flag controls the amount of memory to allocate for a driver, which is 1GB by default and should be increased in case you call a collect() or take(N) action on a large RDD inside your application.

Lets look this in brief :

1.If your Spark job is based purely on transformations and terminates on some distributed output action like rdd.saveAsTextFile etc. Then you only need 100 MB for driver (As driver is also responsible of delivering files and collecting metrics)

2.If your spark job requires the driver to participate in the computation, like e.g. some ML algorithm that needs to materialize results and broadcast them on the next iteration, then your job becomes dependent of the amount of data passing through the driver. Operations like .collect,.take and takeSampledeliver data to the driver and hence, the driver needs enough memory to allocate such data.

Example : 

 If you have an rdd of 10GB in the cluster and call val WebServerData= rdd.collect, then you will need 10GB +100MB of memory in the driver to hold that data.

Spark framework reports Spark driver memory usage in the SparkContext log, spark.log. This is located on the workbench where the Spark job is launched, as specified by /etc/spark/

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Apache Kafka Part 1 Webserver --> Using Flume ( Kafka Channel )--> HDFS (Same server)

Apache Kafka comes into picture because traditional messaging system don't scale up to handle big data in real time.

Developed by Linkedin engineers .

Apache Kafka is a distributed messaging framework that meets the demands of big data by scaling on commodity hardware .

Best for real-time use cases

Lets look into a example where we need to extract data from webserver and put into HDFS .

1) If your webserver resides on the same Hadoop Cluster .

Webserver --> Using Flume ( Kafka Channel )--> HDFS

# Sources, channels, and sinks names as source1,channel1,sink1
# agent name, in this case 'logagent'.
logagent.sources  = source1
logagent.channels = channel1
logagent.sinks    = sink1

# spooldir Source Configuration

logagent.sources.source1.type     = spooldir

logagent.sources.source1.spoolDir = /log/C_12345

# the hostname that Flume Syslog source will be running on     = localhost
# the port that Flume Syslog source will listen on
logagent.sources.source1.port     = 5040

#Bind the source to the channel
logagent.sources.source1.channels = channel1

# HDFS Sink configuration
logagent.sinks.sink1.type          = hdfs
logagent.sinks.sink1.hdfs.path= hdfs://<hadoop Cluster IP>/flume
logagent.sinks.sink1.hdfs.fileType =DataStream
logagent.sinks.sink1.hdfs.useLocalTimeStamp =true
logagent.sinks.sink1.hdfs.rollInterval =600

#Bind the sink to the channel       = channel1

# Kafka Channel Configuration
logagent.channels.channel1.capacity            = 10000
logagent.channels.channel1.transactionCapacity = 1000
logagent.channels.channel1.brokerList          = kafkaf-2:9092,kafkaf-3:9092
logagent.channels.channel1.topic               = channel1
logagent.channels.channel1.zookeeperConnect    = kafkaf-1:2181
logagent.channels.channel1.groupId = flume2

Save this as logagent.conf and save to conf directory in my case the path is /hadoop/inst/apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/conf/logagent.conf

Login to your hadoop cluster ->
Go to flume directory -> then type below command 

.flume-ng agent --conf  /hadoop/inst/apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/conf/  -f /hadoop/inst/apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/conf/logagent.conf -Dflume.root.logger=INFO ,console -n logagent

 --conf  /hadoop/inst/apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/conf/
syntax : --conf <path of flume conf folder >

-f  /hadoop/inst/apache-flume-1.6.0-bin/conf/logagent.conf
syntax : -f <path of logagent.conf file>

-Dflume.root.logger=INFO ,console
This is to print all the messages on the console .

 -n logagent
syntax : -n <name of the agent >       // Note : not the conf file name 

In the next blog -> we will see how to fetch records from external server and put into hdfs .

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Something About Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Something about AWS:

We all must have knowledge or hear that Cloud Computing is the future . Lets understand the famous Cloud service provider i.e. Amazon

Cloud computing provides a simple way to access servers, storage, databases, and a broad set of application services over the Internet.

1. As you all know  about Jeff Bezos (one of the Richest Man ) who started AMAZON

2. Amazon officially launched Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2006. 

3.Amazon Web Services is a secure cloud services platform, offering compute power, database storage, content delivery and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow.

4.Their services operate from 16 geographical regions across the world & they are planning to add two more region i.e. Paris and Sweden this year

                 Screenshot showing Services and features count of AWS

 AWS owns and maintains the network-connected hardware required for these application services, while you provision and use what you need via a web application. 

Trade capital expense for variable expense: 

Instead of investing heavily in data centers and servers before you know how you're going to use them, you can pay only when you consume computing resources and pay only the amount you consume.

Benefit from massive economies of scale: 

By using cloud computing, you can achieve a lower variable cost than you can get on your own. Because usage from hundreds of thousands of customers is aggregated in the cloud, providers such as Amazon Web Services can achieve higher economies of scale, which translates into lower pay-as-you-go prices. 

Stop guessing capacity: 

Eliminate guessing about your infrastructure capacity needs. When you make a capacity decision before deploying an application, you often end up either sitting on expensive idle resources or dealing with limited capacity. With cloud computing, these problems go away. You can access as much or as little as you need and scale up and down as required with only a few minutes's notice.

Increases speed and agility :

In a cloud computing environment, new IT resources are only ever a click away, which means you reduce the time it takes to make those resources available to your developers from weeks to just minutes. This results in a dramatic increase in agility for the organization, because the cost and time it takes to experiment and develop is significantly lower.

Stop spending money on running and maintaining data centers: 

Focus on projects that differentiate your business, not the infrastructure. Cloud computing lets you focus on your own customers, instead of on the heavy lifting of racking, stacking, and powering servers.

Go global in minutes: 

Easily deploy your application in multiple regions around the world with just a few clicks. This means you can provide a lower latency and better experience for your customers simply and at minimal cost.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Hadoop Info - Be interview ready - One Active Namenode

4) Interview might ask that why not using two active nodes at a time in a HA cluster

You can refer this link : About HA Cluster (High Availability Cluster)

Answer : 

There should be only one active Namenode running in HA cluster .

If there are two active Namenode running in cluster then its lead to corruption of the data. This scenario is termed as split-brain scenario.

To overcome this problem we can use fencing (Its a process of ensuring that only one Namenode remains active)

Hope you like my articles . Please comment and like.  

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Hadoop Info - Be Interview Ready - YARN came before 2.x version

3. Do we know that before 2.0 , YARN, Kerberos security,HDFS federation & Namenode HA features are already  there ?

Answer :

In November 2011, version 0.23 of Hadoop was released.that has these features but that was not that matures as 2.0 version . Hence 0.23 upgraded to stable version and name as 2.0.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Hadoop Info - Be Interview Ready- Hadoop Production Master node

Hope you visited my previous blog on High Availability Hadoop Cluster

2. You are working as a Hadoop Developer , but do you know that what will be the minimum configuration required for Production Master node if you are working in Small Hadoop Cluster /Medium Hadoop Cluster / Large Hadoop Cluster ?

Answer :

If you are working with less than or equal to 25 nodes its consider as Small Hadoop Cluster.

Cluster upto 400 nodes consider as Medium Hadoop Cluster

 Cluster above 400 nodes consider as Large Hadoop Cluster

Minimum configuration required for Production Master Node :

This is for Small Cluster

Dual quad-core 2.6 Ghz CPU

32 GB of DDR3 RAM 

This is for Medium Cluster

Dual quad-core 2.6 Ghz CPU

64 GB of DDR3 RAM

This is for Large Cluster

Dual quad-core 2.6 Ghz CPU

128 GB of DDR3 RAM 


Hadoop Info - Be Interview Ready - HA Cluster

1) Share your knowledge about HA cluster .

This features comes in 2.0 and above Apache Hadoop version .

Before that Namenode is the single point of failure means that if Namenode unavailable then whole cluster become unavailable.

To again it to work , manually we have to restart the Namenode services.

This High Availability architecture provides the solution to our problem that is allowing us to have two Namenodes.

1. Active Namenode 

2. Passive Namenode ( Also called as Standby Namenode)

So now your cluster is having two Namenodes . If one Namenode unavailable/down then you have other Namenode to take over the work and thus reduce the cluster down time.

This should be possible only when both Namenode shares the same metadata information. 

Next Hadoop Info share on 15/04/2017 . Be in touch . 

Please comment or like as well . To make articles more accurate for Hadoop lovers ( Data lovers) .

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Core Java - 1/10

This blog will help to refresh Core Java Knowledge .

Hadoop Framework was designed using Java . This is because it is a prerequisite for Hadoop Learning.

In this blog we will take useful keywords which will help in your Hadoop Journey. 

Before starting lets learn the naming convention used in Java :

1. Class name & Interface name should start with Upper Case.

2. Method name & Variable name should start with Lower Case.

If the name of the Class,Interface,Method or Variable will be combination of two words then second word should start with Capital Letter . 

Example :  sumCalculator is a Method Name .

1. Break :

This will break the current loop . Lets take the below example 

public class FoodMarket {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      String [] fruits = {"Apple","Orange","Pineapple"};
      for(String f : fruits ) {

         if( f == "Pineapple"){
         System.out.print( f );

          // After the break statement control will come here.                              

Output :

As we see from the above example :

1. We have created a fruits array of String type of length 3 ( we can find that using fruits.length method)
2.for(String f : fruits)  here f is a String variable . f will hold 3 values as fruits array is of 3.
3.First loop f is holding Apple ( f=Apple) in first loop then it compares f with "Pineapple" as condition false so it will ignore the if block and proceed for System.out.println statements which returns print the value of f .
 4.Second loop f is holding Orange ( f=Orange) in second loop then it compares f with "Pineapple" as condition false so it will ignore the if block and proceed for System.out.println statements which returns print the value of f .
5.Third/last loop f is holding Pineapple ( f=Pineapple) in third loop then it compares f with "Pineapple" as condition true so it will  execute the if block , in the if block there is break; so it will go out of current loop i.e for(String f : fruits )

2. Continue :

The difference between Break and Continue is that Continue will break the block and continue from the current loop.

Lets take the below example 

public class FoodMarket {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      String [] fruits = {"Apple","Orange","Pineapple"};

      for(String f : fruits ) {

             if( f == "Orange"){

            continue;                       // This block will skip and continue  for loop with                                                       // next value

         System.out.print( f );



Output :


Explanation : As soon as it see the continue statement in the block only that block will be skipped . And it will continue loop with the next value. 

Next class we will look into Object and Class

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Apache Hive

Apache Hive     - Data Analytical Tool 


                        - Data Warehouse 

Famous as Initially developed By Facebook then contributed to Apache and SQL Like Queries


In this Hive Blog - We will help you with Creation of Database ,Tables then Loading of data into table and display all data from Hive Table.

1. Lets enter into Hive Shell :






2. To see the databases we use show databases command .

default is default databases. If we don't define any database then table create in default database.





3. Create a new Database as Insurance_Europe and Table as "Policy_Market"


4. We normally store the Database details in hdfs location : /user/hive/warehouse as below :

We can see from the above image that insurance_europe.db named directory created under /user/hive/warehouse.

Also as we created a table inside that database , new directory created as policy_market.


5. Drop Table and create same table name as policy_market with 5 fields .


 6. Load data from local into table policy_market .


7. Display all data from table policy_market 


 Great !! Hope you like this blog . 

In the next Hive blog we will  cover the Static and Dynamic Partition .

Monday, 27 March 2017


Its a Open source relational database management system ( DBMS )

This blog is specially target for Sqoop . 

Sqoop is a special tool designed on the top of Apache Hadoop which is used to transfer data from Any RDBMS to hdfs/hive/Hbase and vise versa.

In Sqoop we may asked to fetch whole table or specific columns from table for that we must aware about RDBMS select query . 

In this Blog we focus on PostgreSQL :

SELECT Queries :

To fetch all records from Customer_Benefits table :

SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits;

Using AND and OR :

SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits 
WHERE policy = 'Child Endowment'
AND region = 'NY' OR product_id ='4343';

Comparison :

SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits
WHERE benefits_id > 3 AND premium = 4000;

Alternative to BETWEEN using Comparison :

SELECT name FROM Customer_Benefits 
WHERE premium >= 5000 AND premium <= 9070; 

Using CASE :

 SELECT benefits_id,
 CASE WHEN benefits_id=70 THEN 'Old'
 WHEN benefits_id=89 THEN 'Old'
 ELSE 'Fresh'
 END AS old FROM Customer_Benefits;


SELECT customer_name,
CASE WHEN premium > 4000 THEN 'over $4000.00'
WHEN premium = 4000 THEN '$4000.00'
ELSE 'under $4000.00'
END AS premium_range
FROM Customer_Benefits

Comparison <= ,!=  :

SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits 
WHERE premium <= 9000 AND policy != 'Diamond life';


SELECT DISTINCT policy FROM Customer_Benefits;


SELECT DISTINCT ON (policy) policy, date
FROM Customer_Benefits 
ORDER BY policy, date DESC;
                                                                  Retrieves the most recent report for each policy. But if we had not used ORDER BY to force descending order of date-time values for each policy, we'd have gotten a report from an unpredictable time for each policy. The DISTINCT ON expression(s) must match the leftmost ORDER BY expression(s). The ORDER BY clause will normally contain additional expression(s) that determine the desired precedence of rows within each DISTINCT ON

Using EXCEPT :

SELECT policy FROM Customer_Benefits 
SELECT policy FROM Customer_Benefits 
where benefits_id > 3;


 EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits WHERE customer_name LIKE 'J%';

Using GROUP BY :

SELECT city, max(premium)
FROM Customer_Benefits
GROUP BY city;

Using HAVING :

SELECT city, max(premium)
FROM Customer_Benefits
GROUP BY city HAVING max(premium) < 4000;


SELECT count(e.policy) AS "number of policy", AS customer_name
 FROM Policy_Detail AS e INNER JOIN Customer_Benefits AS p
ON (e.p_id =
GROUP BY customer_name
HAVING count(e.policy) > 1;

Using IS NULL :

 SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits WHERE customer_name IS NULL

Using LIKE :

SELECT * FROM Customer_Benefits 
WHERE customer_name LIKE ('%s');
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE name LIKE '%D____;

Using UNION :

SELECT customer_name FROM Customer_Benefits where benefits_id = 1
SELECT customer_name FROM Customer_Benefits where benefits_id = 2 

Hadoop - Processing

Start your Big Data Learning journey from here with us .   Home Page : Dive into Big Data Hadoop

Hadoop - Processing i.e. MapReduce 

In this blog we will discuss on latest MapReduce framework which is MR2 (above 2.0 versions).

Brief on MapReduce :

Life cycle of data being processed through the MapReduce framework :

1. Creation of input split




5.Shuffle and Sort


Lets explain above cycle using example :

1. Assume that we have a 384 GB of data to process .

    File : Customer_Data.csv

    Fields : CustomerID,Name_of_the_customer,Product,Price,Date_of_Purchase

    Sample Data : 001,Tony Bridge,Apple 7,49990,Amazon,1/4/2017

                             002,Smita Arora Singh , Apple 7 Plus , 60000,Ebay,1/4/2017

2. Input Split : At this stage data will divide to process in parallel.

Input Split is nothing but the Splitting of input data in logical partition . 

Example:  As we have consider we have 384 GB of data and default setting of block size as 128 MB.
Physical Partitions :  384GB /128 MB = approx 3000 parts
But there may be possibility that your parts1 and parts2 makes a complete record ,then this inputSplit concepts come into picture and parts1 and parts2 will become InputSplit 1 and so on .
That means it is Input Split is logical partition of data.  

Record Reader : This Depends on the InputFormat default is TextInputFormat. Lets consider we have not set any Input format then it takes as TextInputFormat.

Note :We have to understand this concept that anything input to Mapper & Reducer should be in the form of (Key,Value) format .

Record Reader as name specify read a single record at a time .
As the Input format is TextInputFormat then it will do as below :
(Key ,Value )
( 0,001,Tony Bridge,Apple 7,49990,Amazon,1/4/17)        
(44,002,Smita Arora Singh , Apple 7 Plus , 60000,Ebay,1/4/17)    
where key as offset of data and value as actual record.

3. Mapper : This requires input in Key-Value Pair. It will pick each records from Input Split and Process it . Each Mapper will run for each records in the Input Split.



extends Object

Assume the requirement is to find total number of product sale till date.

Example : 

Input of Mapper :
( 0,001,Tony Bridge,Apple 7,49990,Amazon,1/4/17) 

Key : 0
Value :001,Tony Bridge,Apple 7,49990,Amazon,1/4/17

public class RetailMapper
extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text, IntWritable>{
private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
private Text Product = new Text();
public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
String parts=value.toString().split(",");Product = parts[1]
context.write(Product, one);
Sample Mapper Output :

Apple 7 , 1 

Apple 7 Plus , 1

Samsung S8 , 1 

Description of Mapper Phase :  

1.Split Values with comma (,) delimiter.
2. Consider Product as a Key and rest of values as One
Key : Product
Value : One

As we can see that this not gives the required output . Remaining part of the coding will be in Reducers phase . 

4.Combiner :  This phase is also called as Mini Reducer . The combiner should combine key/value pairs with the same key. Each combiner may run zero, once, or multiple times.

There might be situation where Mapper is producing lots of output files to process in that case we can use Combiner . So that reducer has to process less files .

Example : Lets assume there are 500 Mappers and 1 Reducer and your task is to minimize the time required by reducer to process the data or minimize the total job time.

In order to this  we can use Combiner in our Map-Reduce Program.

This phase is also use to optimize the Map-Reduce code . 

5. Partitioning : The mechanism of sending which output of Mapper to which Reducer is called Partitioning.

Default Partitioner uses a hashing on the keys to distribute them to the reduce tasks, but you can override it and use your own custom Partitioner.

Custom Partitioner Example :

For this we need to implement  "getPartition(Text key, Text value, int numPartitions)" 

Let consider product having cost less that 50K should go to Reducer1 and product cost more than 50K go to Reducer2.

Then method would be like as follow :

public int getPartition(Text key, Text value, int numPartitions)

   String parts=value.toString().split(",");
    String Product_Cost = parts[2]
   int p_cost =Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);


   return 0;


 return 1;}

6.Shuffle and Sort :

Shuffling and sorting are not performed at all if you specify zero reducers (setNumReduceTasks(0)). Then, the MapReduce job stops at the map phase, and the map phase does not include any kind of sorting.

The shuffle and sort phase is done by the MapReduce framework. Data from all mappers are grouped by the key, split among reducers and sorted by the key. Each reducer obtains all values associated with the same key.

7.Reducer : 

The reducer obtains sorted key/[values list] pairs, sorted by the key. The value list contains all values with the same key produced by mappers. Each reducer emits zero, one or multiple output key/value pairs for each input key/value pair.

Syntax :


extends Object

Lets complete our requirement which is remaining in Mapper Phase :
public class IntSumReducer<Key> extends Reducer<Key,IntWritable,
                                                 Key,IntWritable> {
   private IntWritable result = new IntWritable();

   public void reduce(Key key, Iterable<IntWritable> values,
                      Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
     int sum = 0;
     for (IntWritable val : values) {
       sum += val.get();
     context.write(key, result);

Reducer Output as <Key:Product, Value :Sales till date>:

Apple 7 , 78909889
Apple 7 Plus , 67978979
Samsung S8, 7898789

Now we have the Total product sales till date .

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Dive into Big Data - Hadoop

To start your journey towards big data / hadoop you have to follow following steps :

1. Brush up Core Java and SQL .  

2. Basic unix commands . For this you can refer this link Basic Unix Commands

3. Now you are ready to swim in the world of Big Data

Big Data  =  This is the combination of Big + Data . We already have RDBMS to handle data but now we are getting digital data from everywhere around the world that makes data big . This is Big Data .

To store and process we have a powerful Java framework called as HADOOP

Who has created - Doug Cutting
Where - Yahoo
When - 2006 

How ? its goes to open source as it was Yahoo product .

Yahoo later provided Hadoop to Apache foundation and now this is the top level open source project in Apache.
                                  |                                                     |
                              Storage                                        Processing
                              (HDFS)                                      (MapReduce)

1. Storage : For storage of big data , hadoop uses HDFS i.e. Hadoop Distributed File System .
2. MapReduce : This framework is designed in Java to process large size data in parallel.

We will look both in detail :
1. Storage : Refer this link Hadoop Storage

2.MapReduce: Refer this link Hadoop Processing -MapReduce


Hadoop Ecosytem Tools :

1.Data Analytical Tool  : Hive 


Apache Hive is a Open source Data Warehouse infrastructure built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data summarization, query, and analysis.


This tool was initially developed by Facebook . Later they have contributed to Apache . 

 This tool is used for structure type of data .


Refer this link :  Apache Hive 


Download Hive from Original Apache website : apache/hive/hive-2.1.1/

2. Data Transformation Tool : Pig  

This tool is for structure as well as semi -structure data .

3. Data Ingestion Tool : Sqoop

Its a Open Source , Product from Apache . 

Full name of Sqoop i.e SQ+OOP  = SQL to HADOOP

This tool is used to transfer data from Relational Database to Hadoop supporting storage system and vice versa . 

Interesting facts about SQOOP : It is not used only with open source framework i.e. Hadoop but also used by industry giant like below :

1. Informatica provides a Sqoop based connector .

2. Pentaho provides open source Sqoop based connector.

3. Microsoft uses a Sqoop based connector to help transfer from Microsoft SQL Server DB to Hadoop.

and many more ...

Refer this link : SQOOP

Also refer this link to  Refresh your PostgreSQL Knowledge  . This Link will help you to go through from the all SELECT queries to fetch record from RDBMS ( i,e, PostgreSQL) to transfer data into Hadoop distributed File system , hive or No Sql database like HBASE.

4.Data Ingestion Tool : Flume (Coming Soon)

This is also a Data Ingestion Tool but this tool is used to transfer the semi-structure data from any web server to hdfs/hive/HBASE .

Example : Apache Log file stored in remote web server can be transfer using Flume to HDFS .

Apache Kafka :  

First lets go through how we can use Kafka channels in Flume as a reliable and highly available channel for any source/sink combination.

Refer this blog : Kafka Channel in Flume

In this blog you will get to know how to transfer data from webserver to hdfs 


5.NoSql Databases (Coming Soon)